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Connect with your heritage ​


in ways that loosen knots


shake out secrets and shame


give you fresh perspectives


and lasting change.


One to one appointments

in person or via Zoom

Monday to Thursday  10-5

Friday 10-3

Global reach.

English language.

Next workshop

Saturday 09 November 

10am-3pm one hour lunch

10 Herschell St Napier

limited places 

book online

NEW two manawa family constellation and three life coaching sessions Package [5 sessions]


Available from 01 October - book now


Minimum two weeks between sessions - do your life and do the sessions relaxed and 'on'.


Give yourself the gift that truly keeps on giving - work on yourself. Start 2025 rejuvenated, strong, and focused.

Book now, choose dates and times to suit you - as long as there are at least two weeks between sessions


Read the blogs:


There's Somethng About Manawa Life Coaching and


Manawa Family Constellations and Coaching Package 

'...spring clean your relational life, clearing the way for incisive coaching sessions. You know how this works on a practical level - you have a dinner party or house guests arriving, so you dust and clean and organise the rooms to please your aesthetic and social sensibilties. You also ensure that you will be more relaxed, ready and able to enjoy your dinner party or period of your guests' stay. In the same way you can view your family constellations as preparation for the coaching, although the effects are forever-lasting'.


Who is family constellations for? Please see Caveats and Cancellation Policy

Why Family Constellations, and why manawa?







Photo of site owner



is essential to therapy.

and essential to

the way

I work with people. 

Welcome to manawa family constellations. My name is Karen Sole.  

I'm the daughter of Tom and Nola, born in Hawera, Aotearoa-New Zealand, where I spent my school days. You will find more about me below and on the following pages.


The founder of Systemic Family Constellations, Bert Hellinger, developed the method to enable people to process and heal, or live with or come to terms with relational trauma. It has proven to be as effective with participant/client and representatives in multiple locations via Zoom. 


It is also a highly effective modality one to one, where symbolic objects may represent the constellation of the family, for example.


manawa is critically important in all scenarios


'it is a serious thing

just to be alive

on this fresh morning

in this broken world.'

Mary Oliver, Red Bird

― Mary Oliver, Red Bird

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