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About Curiosity

In a time when everyone from politicians to sports people are publicly discussing and advocating for therapy as a regular part of self care, aside from economcs, what stops us from taking that care?

Given that there’s widespread acceptance that our earliest childhood experiences shape who we become, isn’t it healthy to be curious about our family patterns?

If our curiosity leads us to really enquire using an effective therapeutic method, we get increased understanding of the origin of generational tendencies, often in surprising ways. Are you getting curious?

In any case, greater understanding fuels compassion for past and present generations. When we break the cycle, we become the change. Interesting shifts in family dynamics evolve around us.


Are you more curious ?

Karen Sole

Copyright Karen Sole

Karen Sole is a member of the Internatonal Institute for Complementary Therapists, and of the International Systemic Constellations Association ( She took her first training from Yildiz Sethi of . Karen's profile can be found on all three organisational sites.


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